Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Trip Home

It's 5:00 am, time to start the long journey home. I fly from Guatemala City to Miami to Chicago to Winnipeg. I'm due to arrive at 10:30 pm. It's going to be a long day.
I am reminded of how much I dislike airports. The minute we touch down we are herded like cattle into shoots where all visitors are fingerprinted and interrogated. It seems as though we're all presumed guilty until proven innocent.

The cold harsh reality of international travel today becomes even more evident with the recurring warnings of the terrorist attack threat levels over the intercom, repeated security lines and signs posted throughout the airport encouraging everyone to report any suspicious activity.

Ironically, I feel less safe than ever before.

I'm also reminded of our crazy North American life styles. Barbie is everywhere - tucked, nipped and high heeled with pumped up lips and breasts, she's stylin' with her Gucci bag and Manolo high heeled shoes. Classy business execs are also in abundance with their high tech gear that's plugged into every available outlet. I pass a restaurant where three, twenty year olds are having dinner together, except they aren't talking to each other, they're each texting someone else on their hand held "thingies". Hmm, what a great life we live!

My head is still in an altruistic state thinking about the plight and welfare of people across the globe. It's hard to process these two images -excessive wealth versus excessive need- that are floating around in my head.

I have a lot of time to contemplate this dilemma as I don't arrive in Winnipeg until 11:30 pm. When I finally pass through the last checkpoint, my thoughts are washed away by the sight of my family. Their embrace is all I really needed.

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